The reason ISO 9001 certification is so valuable

If you require ERW tubes, getting the best items starts with choosing the right company to supply them. After all, you need to work with people who have the ability to provide you with the tubing you require. We know that quality assurance is crucial here. Product failure in this instance could be costly as well as dangerous. Well, we are here to tell you why you should choose an ISO 9001 company. Continue reading “The reason ISO 9001 certification is so valuable”

How to prevent splitting in the weld zone

Metal tubes are useful for a huge array of projects in almost every industry. ERW tubes in particular can cater for a diverse range of projects, from railings and shop fittings to hardware. They are even great for some decorative and structural uses. If you want to use this kind of tubing in your project, Union Steel can provide it. We offer a huge range of options and great value. Continue reading “How to prevent splitting in the weld zone”